Aug 302020

– Common California aster is blooming purple on tall stalks in meadows.
– Coyote brush, one of the most common shrubs in the Land Trust, is blooming with different, cream flowers on male and female bushes.
– Kellogg’s yampah is blooming with white umbels on tall stalks in meadows.
– Rosilla with its backward facing petals, is blooming in seeps.

– California spikenard dies back completely each year and grows 6-7′ in a season. It is blooming now with white dandelion-shaped flowers in the creek bed on the Maverick Trail up from the Ridgewood u-bend.
– Old man’s beard*, native of Europe, is an invasive vine that blooms in forests with fragrant white flowers.
– Toyon is blooming with white flowers in forests.

Forest edge
– Spicebush is blooming with red frilly flowers by the creek in Three Groves.

– California everlasting is blooming in the meadows of Homestead Hill.
– California mugwort is blooming with yellow tufts in meadows.
– Coast tarweed, one of the resinous madias is blooming yellow in meadows.
– Roughleaf aster is blooming with pale flowers in meadows.
– Sticky monkeyflower is blooming orange in meadows.


Key to map:
Plants are not located on the map if they are very prolific. Find them by their habitat.
HVLT Trail Map 022315 v28w

Gallery of wildflowers and plants found in Homestead.

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