Jan 262018

– Indian warrior is coming up all over in the area – 15 right along the Homestead Trail – that we finished clearing a few months ago. A few blooms are showing their crimson colors but the scope of the patch will only become clear later in the season when the hillside blooms.

– Fetid adder’s tongue, one of our most exotic blooms is showing its first flowers now.
– Green wattle acacia tree native to Australia is starting to bloom with its bright yellow puff flowers.
– Scotch broom, native to Western Europe, one of the most aggressive invaders of our meadows is blooming with its yellow pea flowers. Pull it before it goes to seed if you can.
– Tasmanian blue gum, is blooming white high in the huge eucalyptus trees.
– Coast live oak blooms with pink tassels.
– California bay laurel, our most common native tree’s blooms have a delicate vanilla scent.

Key to map:
I haven’t located plants on on the map if they are very prolific. Find them by their habitat.
HVLT Trail Map 022315 v28w

Gallery of wildflowers and plants found in Homestead.


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