Feb 072019

– Arroyo willow grows near water and is blooming with bottle brush flowers.
– Bay laurel, one of our most common trees, flowers smell sweetly of vanilla and bloom in cream clusters.
– Cherry plum*, native of Europe, grows near water throughout Homestead and is blooming now.
– Coast live oak, another of our common trees, blooms with tassel flowers.

– Canyon gooseberry, shrubs are along the trail up from Madrone Park Circle and visible from the road, across the creek at the u-bend trailhead on Ridgewood.
– Fetid adder’s tongue, one of our most exotic blooms is peaking now.
– Tasmanian blue gum, native to Australia, has gum nuts that are blooming now.
– Trilium, white bloom floating on three large heart-shaped leaves can be seen in the Laverne road cut above Stolte Grove, at the creek just past 9 and in the forests.

Forest edges
– Albizia*, a wattle native to Australia and a garden escapee is blooming in the gully below Pixie Trail.
– American vetch, one of our native pea vines is blooming purple.
– California blackberry, is blooming white up on the ridge.
– Cape ivy, native of South Africa, is a noxious weed in California. It blankets shrubs, trees and ground, suppressing any other growth, is toxic to animals that eat it and to fish if it trails in the water.
– Green wattle acacia* tree native to Australia is starting to bloom with its bright yellow puff flowers.
– Manroot, the wild cucumber vine is blooming white.
– Miner’s lettuce with its white flowers at the center of an edible circular leaf is blooming in wet seeps.
– Oso berry, a deciduous shrub, blooms almost before its leaves emerge. Flowers are white and very fragrant.
– Pacific hound’s tongue is emerging all over at the forest edges. Tall spikes topped with pretty blue flowers are starting to show.
– Sourgrass, native to South Africa, is a noxious weed here. Bright yellow flower, sour stem sucking.
– White flowered onion*, native of the Mediterranean basin, is blooming in wet areas – edible.
– Woodland strawberry is blooming white up on the ridge below Homestead Hill.

– Death camus, a white star lily is starting to bloom in meadows.
– Greene’s saxifrage with its small white flower is blooming on the Ridgewood Rock.
– Indian warrior’s tall burgundy spikes are blooming all up and down the hillside under the oaks at 15 on the Homestead trail.
– Spring gold, a bright yellow ground hugging lomatium is blooming on the Ridgewood Rock.
– Wooly lomatium is blooming with its champagne froth clusters near its bright yellow cousin, spring gold, on the Ridgewood Rock.

Key to map:
I haven’t located plants on on the map if they are very prolific. Find them by their habitat.
HVLT Trail Map 022315 v28w

Gallery of wildflowers and plants found in Homestead.


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